Fiverr is a website where people sell lots of services at $5 a pop. People sell all sorts of things there – from advice giving to article writing and many things in between. Browse through the site to get an idea of what people are offering. You can either offer the same things, create new “gigs”, or both. For every “gig” you sell, you make $4 and Fiverr keeps $1. Some of the more popular gigs can easily earn you $100 or more a day. In order for you to make money with Fiverr, here’s what to do:
1.Sign up for an account with Fiverr.
2.Click on “Start Selling”
3. Click on “Create First Gig”
4.Follow the instructions to create whatever gig you’d like
5.Wait for customers to accept your gig and do a great, timely job once they come.
Tip: For additional information, feel free to visit Foolproof Fiverr. When you provide a service on the buyer actually pays $5 but you will receive only $4. They take a cut of 20% for their services.
If you can provide 5 services a day on average, that’s $20 in earnings. If you work for 25 days a month, that’s $500 a month in earnings. As a single person working from home, this is very much possible. You can expand your business by hiring more employees and delivering more services. $500 a month is Rs.25,000 a month and Rs.3 Lakhs a year. This is equal to the average starting salary in any IT company in India. (In 2008 my job offer in an IT firm was Rs.2.75 Lakhs/Annum – of course I never went for it). These figures are just a rough idea and making $1000 per month or more is very much possible if you have some creativity and consistency. I have been using more as a buyer than seller and my primary earnings do not come from fiverr. So don’t ask me if I earn that much from them, I don’t. But I have enough experience to advice you on this topic. Now let’s look into the whole process in more detail. Step 1: Decide What You are Going to Sell Usually freelance job networks only work on a model where the buyer posts a project with the estimate and requirements and service providers bid on the project. After the buyer is satisfied with one provider, he chooses (hires) him and work gets done, payment gets done. became popular because they turned the tables around. The first move is by the seller (or service provider, you!). You first post that you are ready to do this for $5 and then the buyer buys the service. This allowed for more creativity in the marketplace. People were offering strange and weird services and sometimes they were good value for more. Buyers found services that they would have never imagined were available and the whole eco system boomed. The following image is a screenshot from the home page of where you can see services are being offered for $5.
1.Sign up for an account with Fiverr.
2.Click on “Start Selling”
3. Click on “Create First Gig”
4.Follow the instructions to create whatever gig you’d like
5.Wait for customers to accept your gig and do a great, timely job once they come.
Tip: For additional information, feel free to visit Foolproof Fiverr. When you provide a service on the buyer actually pays $5 but you will receive only $4. They take a cut of 20% for their services.
If you can provide 5 services a day on average, that’s $20 in earnings. If you work for 25 days a month, that’s $500 a month in earnings. As a single person working from home, this is very much possible. You can expand your business by hiring more employees and delivering more services. $500 a month is Rs.25,000 a month and Rs.3 Lakhs a year. This is equal to the average starting salary in any IT company in India. (In 2008 my job offer in an IT firm was Rs.2.75 Lakhs/Annum – of course I never went for it). These figures are just a rough idea and making $1000 per month or more is very much possible if you have some creativity and consistency. I have been using more as a buyer than seller and my primary earnings do not come from fiverr. So don’t ask me if I earn that much from them, I don’t. But I have enough experience to advice you on this topic. Now let’s look into the whole process in more detail. Step 1: Decide What You are Going to Sell Usually freelance job networks only work on a model where the buyer posts a project with the estimate and requirements and service providers bid on the project. After the buyer is satisfied with one provider, he chooses (hires) him and work gets done, payment gets done. became popular because they turned the tables around. The first move is by the seller (or service provider, you!). You first post that you are ready to do this for $5 and then the buyer buys the service. This allowed for more creativity in the marketplace. People were offering strange and weird services and sometimes they were good value for more. Buyers found services that they would have never imagined were available and the whole eco system boomed. The following image is a screenshot from the home page of where you can see services are being offered for $5.
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